Heirin-ji Temple

Heirin-ji Temple was founded in 1375 in the current Iwatsuki district of Saitama City. Afterward, in 1663, the temple was relocated to Nobidome under the dying instruction of Matsudaira Nobutsuna, who was a feudal lord of Kawagoe and served the Tokugawa Shogunate as an elder council. Nobutsuna, who was referred to as “Chie-Izu,” rests in peace at Heirin-ji Temple (the graves of Matsudaira Izunokami Nobutsuna and his wife are historic landscapes designated by the Prefecture) which is his family temple.
The main gate with thatched roof, the mountain gate, the sanctum of Buddha, and the middle gate are tangible cultural properties (buildings) designated by the Prefecture.
Moreover, Heirin-ji Temple has a dedicated temple for Zen training. When walking around in the temple grounds, please follow the instructions and keep quiet so as not to disturb the training.


Basic information on Heirin-ji Temple

1 アクセス

住所 埼玉県新座市野火止3-1-1

  • JR武蔵野線北朝霞駅下車または東武東上線朝霞台駅南口下車後
  • 東武東上線志木駅南口下車後
  • 西武池袋線東久留米駅東口下車後
    西武バス「朝霞台駅」行き または「新座市役所」行き (約15分)


※ 全て、バス停「平林寺」下車
※ JR武蔵野線新座駅南口下車 徒歩2.5km(30分~40分程度

  • 国道254号を川越方面に向かい、交差点「新座警察署前」を左折し、約1kmで現地
  • 関越自動車道所沢インターから、県道463号をさいたま市方面へ約1km。

2 駐車場情報

  • 民間駐車場「ひるねの森」(平林寺総門前)
    ひるねの森駐車場における大型バスの駐車について、紅葉の時期には、予約が必要です。予約の問い合わせ先は、竹映 TEL048-477-1102まで
  • 新座市役所駐車場

3 平林寺への入山料

  • 大人 (中学生以上) 500円
  • こども (5歳以上) 200円
  • 大人 (中学生以上) 400円
  • こども (1歳以上) 100円   

※ 平成22年4月1日から入山料が変更になりました。

4 入山時間


Heirin-ji Temple grounds

The woods in Heirin-ji Temple grounds are approximately 43 ha, as large as nine Tokyo domes, and were designated a national natural monument in 1968 as a valuable cultural resource that keeps the landscape of woods in the Musashino area. It is the only woods that was designated which is an irreplaceable natural and cultural resource remaining in Niiza City. The woods in the temple grounds surrounding the temple buildings show different taste in every season, and walking in the calm temple grounds soothes your feelings.

To preserve valuable nature and landscape woven by the woods, the Agency for Cultural Affairs, Saitama Prefecture, Niiza City, Heirin-ji Temple, and other organizations have been undertaking improvement and restoration projects for the woods.


National natural monument of the woods in grounds of Heirin-ji Temple (Heirin-ji Temple website)


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